About ehub

Welcome to our online eHub, your one-stop destination for academic success.

Access all your courses, notes, presentations, and assignments with ease. Our eHub serves as a centralized platform, offering seamless access to a plethora of educational resources tailored to enhance your studies.

Within our eHub, you will find a user-friendly interface that grants you access to all your courses, lecture notes, presentations, and learning materials. Whether you're reviewing lecture slides or diving into supplementary resources, our platform ensures easy navigation and organization, allowing you to focus on absorbing knowledge. Engage in live ZOOM web conferences, communicate with instructors, and participate in class discussions, all within a streamlined platform designed to enhance your learning experience.

Welcome to our online eHub, your one-stop destination for academic success.

Access all your courses, notes, presentations, and assignments with ease. Our eHub serves as a centralized platform, offering seamless access to a plethora of educational resources tailored to enhance your studies.

Within our eHub, you will find a user-friendly interface that grants you access to all your courses, lecture notes, presentations, and learning materials. Whether you're reviewing lecture slides or diving into supplementary resources, our platform ensures easy navigation and organization, allowing you to focus on absorbing knowledge. Engage in live ZOOM web conferences, communicate with instructors, and participate in class discussions, all within a streamlined platform designed to enhance your learning experience.

How to

easy as 1, 2, 3

Sign-up for your course and receive your login details from Emerson Education.

Access options: Login at emerson.ac.tz/ehub
or download the TalentLMS app from Play Store or App store and use the domain Emerson.

Get access to all your online courses recourses.